Let’s face it, going to the dentist can be a scary experience, even for most adults. When we ask our new patients the question ‘Do you ever feel anxious about visiting your dentist,’ most people answer ‘yes.’
With that said, it is recommended by the Australian Dental Association that children have their first dental check by the age of one. It is important to establish familiarisation with the dentist early on, to get your child used to opening their mouth and ‘counting their teeth.’ It may seem daunting or unnecessary to bring young children to the dentist, particularly if they appear to have healthy teeth and a healthy diet. However, causes and rates of dental decay in children often surprise most parents, and make dental visits in early childhood very necessary.
The causes of tooth decay in very young children extend far beyond our usual suspects of lollies and sugary drinks. Many healthy foods and snacks are not also tooth-friendly. Fruit, dried fruit, acidic food and drinks, juice and honey, for example, are all common causes of decay in children. Developmental conditions such as enamel hypomineralisation (or ‘weak enamel’) can make a child more prone to cavities. Putting a child to sleep with a bottle, or straight after breast-feeding, can also cause problems.
If dental visits are begun early, it is unlikely that much will need to be done beyond a check of how your child’s teeth are coming through in the mouth and assessing how well brushing is being done. While one point of these visits is to familiarise your child with the dental environment, another important aspect is education for parents on how to address their child’s dental care as they grow and develop. A lot of parents struggle to brush and floss their children’s teeth (yes, your children need to floss!) and your dentist can help with strategies and tools to make this easier. Most parents will have questions about when their child should be allowed to brush by themselves, (answer – it depends on how good of a job they’re doing!)
If tooth decay in children is allowed to progress unchecked and they are too young or unable to sit through treatment in the dental chair, the only option ends up being treatment under a general anesthetic in hospital. Unfortunately, bumps and knocks to the face do also happen with active children, and dental trauma – when your child is already upset and distressed – is not an ideal situation for a first dental visit!
If your child is old enough to understand, you can prepare them for their first visit by looking at books or videos (Peppa Pig goes to the dentist with her family at one point!) and letting them know what to expect from a dental check. It is important that they feel in control and comfortable – our strategies here include letting them touch and hold the mirror we will use to ‘count their teeth,’ taking a ride in the dental chair on a parent’s lap, and of course, letting them choose what to watch on the TV.
Early and frequent dental visits throughout life lead to adults whose risk of dental disease is very low. It is our mission at Polar Dental to create happy and motivated dental patients who, when asked if they are anxious at the dentist, can always answer ‘no.’