How to keep good hand hygiene… And prevent getting sick!

Written by Dr Anna Stevens @AnnaStevensdentist

Hand hygiene has always been an important part of dental practice.  Dentists have a good understanding of what is needed to keep your hands clean.  Now the public eye is back on the importance of hand cleaning and preventing the spread of illnesses since we have entered Covid times.  So what are the best ways to keep your hands clean and healthy?

As a dentist I did experiments at University, growing bacteria on trays before washing my hands then after washing them with soap.  Wow, seeing the number of bacteria on your hands when they are not washed really shocks you into washing your hands well.

Keeping your hands clean is important to keep your hands clean reduces the spread of infection.  It is important to maintain a healthy intact skin surface and reduce skin damage.

Hand hygiene includes include the use of hand soap, sanitizer, moisturizers and skin repair products.

Hand soaps

Soaps have a detergent in them which removes dirt and soil from your hands.  Germs love to stick to dirt and oil.  Soap breaks up the dirt and bacteria it contains and reduce the number of bacteria on the skin.

Wash your hands under cleaning running water. Rub well for 20 seconds with soap, then wash the soap off well under running water then dry well.

Hand sanitisers

Hand sanitisers work quickly on dry hands that are free of dirt.  Alcohol has a broad antibacterial effect and has a fast onset.  They can kill dry cold and flu germs in 8 seconds.  Alcohol hand sanitizers can remove some of the protective natural barrier from the skin when they are frequently used and risk causing skin irritation and damage.  Hand sanitiser with 60 to 70% alcohol concentration have a good germ killing activity and are not too drying for the skin. 

The drying effect of the skin is often counted by the addition of other products like glycerol and the addition of oils.  Oils like Macadamia or coconut are added to try and prevent dehydration when I used frequently.


Hand irritation and dryness is common when using soap and hand sanitizers frequently. 25-55% of people report hand irritation when they wash and sanitize frequently. As everyone is now washing and sanitising their hands more frequently it will be a high number of people these hands becoming irritated.

It is important to manage and prevent the dryness and irriation (don’t just reduce hand cleaning!) 

Is it possible to have allergies to soaps and sanitisers however this is much less common that the irritation.

The best way to prevent hand irritation to soap and sanitiser is through regular moisturising.  You can use hand lotion, barriers or oils.  Regular use of hand lotion is often the simplest, cost-effective way to prevent irritation.  

To Help Prevent Getting Sick and Spreading Illness

  • Wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds and dry them well regularly throughout the day.  Always after you go to the bathroom and before and after you eat.
  • Use hand sanitiser frequently in between hand washes.
  • Use hand lotion regularly to counter-act the drying and irritating effect of cleaning.
  • Avoid touching your face and mouth.
  • Avoid unnecessary touching of surfaces in public.
  • Stay home when you are sick.


How many times a day should you wash your hands?

6 – 10  times a day!  A UK study found washing your hands 6-10 times a day reduces your risk of getting sick.  Of course this number depends where you are and what you are doing.

Do hand sanitizers prevent spreading the cold and flu?

Yes they do.  In just 8 seconds hand sanitizer can kill dried cold and flu germs, preventing transmission by your hands.  So if you touch something that has cold and flu germs on it, then you touch your face and mouth you could catch a cold.  If you frequently hand sanitize, reduce unnecessary touching of surfaces in public and try to avoid unnecessary touching of you face and mouth, you will reduce your risk of getting sick.

If people stay home when they are sick this will also help reduce the spread of colds and flu.

Do hand sanitizers prevent gastro virus?

No the virus that causes a common form of gastro ‘norovirus’ isn’t penetrated by alcohol.  So if someone at your work, home or school has had a recent gasto virus extra cleaning is required to try to stop the spread.  Also remember to wash your hands with soap and water before eating.

Can I use rubbing alcohol instead of hand sanitizer?

No… Well you can use it to kill bacteria, however the high concentration alcohol is very drying on the hands and will likely quickly lead to skin irritation.

How many times a day do dentists wash their hands?

A dentist will commonly wash their hands 40 times per day.

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