Everyone, at some time or another, experiences dry mouth, (also called ‘xerostomia.’) There are many reasons why dry mouth may occur, including medications, autoimmune diseases, dehydration, smoking, Type 2 Diabetes, and some cancer treatments. It can also occur when you are nervous, upset, or under stress. Medication-induced dry mouth is the most common cause, with
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By HBF Health Insurance What is plaque? Dental plaque is a white, sticky film of bacteria that’s constantly forming on your teeth and gum line. A furry feeling on the teeth is the most common sign that you have plaque. Bad breath and sore gums are also indicators. The bacteria in plaque converts the sugars
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Find out how your dentist is helping to reduce their environmental impact.
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Why do you need to use toothpaste? How do you choose a toothpaste? Which is the best toothpaste?
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Let’s face it, going to the dentist can be a scary experience, even for most adults. When we ask our new patients the question ‘Do you ever feel anxious about visiting your dentist,’ most people answer ‘yes.’ With that said, it is recommended by the Australian Dental Association that children have their first dental check
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Written by Dr Anna Stevens @AnnaStevensdentist Hand hygiene has always been an important part of dental practice. Dentists have a good understanding of what is needed to keep your hands clean. Now the public eye is back on the importance of hand cleaning and preventing the spread of illnesses since we have entered Covid times.
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